- These is a quick answer because, we retain our customer by delivering on what we promised. And when they come they had such a great experience, you’ll see the guest book, “Can’t wait to come back”, and it’s all those kinds of comments, like “ Never going to record anywhere else” That’s the way to retain the customer, is to deliver perfect service and that’s what we endeavor to do. And to increase the customer, we encourage them to tell their friends verbally. We also encourage them to post on their own Facebooks, and Tweet about us, which they do. And that organically has sort of made the whole environment grow, and we get more customers that way by people just sharing their experiences. So, for example when Big Ass came here, they shot the video every single day, and posted on the Facebook. And then more and more people were watching the video and learning about what happens at Karma Sound Studios. When Young Guns came, they did the same sort of thing. They posted things on Facebook, and tweeting all about the place, and then more and more people know. And I think the best to retain customer is the deliver on what you promise and get people to spread the word organically themselves.