ABSAbstract. [Purpose] The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between results of the Berg Balance
Scale (BBS) and Static Balance Test (SBT) in hemiplegic patients with stroke. [Subjects] The subjects were
39 hemiplegic patients (25 men, 14 women; mean age, 69.4 ± 11.0 years) with stroke that had occurred within the
preceding 6 months and who had good understanding of verbal instructions. [Methods] The SBT consists of five
posture-holding tasks (sitting, stride standing, close standing, one-foot standing on the unparalyzed leg, and onefoot
standing on the paralyzed leg). Four grades, 1–4, are used to judge the ability of patients to hold these postures.
The SBT and BBS were each implemented, and the relationship between test results was analyzed using correlation
coefficients. [Results] The correlation coefficient for the BBS score and SBT score was 0.87. Thus, a strong correlation
was seen between the BBS and SBT. [Conclusion] The SBT is thought to be an assessment index that can
predict overall balance ability.
Key words: Stroke, Balance, Assessment
ABSAbstract. [Purpose] The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between results of the Berg BalanceScale (BBS) and Static Balance Test (SBT) in hemiplegic patients with stroke. [Subjects] The subjects were39 hemiplegic patients (25 men, 14 women; mean age, 69.4 ± 11.0 years) with stroke that had occurred within thepreceding 6 months and who had good understanding of verbal instructions. [Methods] The SBT consists of fiveposture-holding tasks (sitting, stride standing, close standing, one-foot standing on the unparalyzed leg, and onefootstanding on the paralyzed leg). Four grades, 1–4, are used to judge the ability of patients to hold these postures.The SBT and BBS were each implemented, and the relationship between test results was analyzed using correlationcoefficients. [Results] The correlation coefficient for the BBS score and SBT score was 0.87. Thus, a strong correlationwas seen between the BBS and SBT. [Conclusion] The SBT is thought to be an assessment index that canpredict overall balance ability.Key words: Stroke, Balance, Assessment
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