known current is applied through Rmeas (the unknown resistor), which is series connected to a known reference resistor Rstd. A simple voltage divider is formed. The unknown resistance can be found using:
The exact value of the Current is not important because the unknown resistance is determined by the ratio of the voltages so long as the current is held Constant.
Many DMMs are battery-powered, portable instruments. Some are ruggedly designed to enable them to withstand the rigors of field measurements Others possess such features as autoranging operation (which means that the meter automatically adjusts its measuring circuits to the Correct voltage, Current, or resistance range), BCD or
IEEE-448 output compatability, and measurement of conductance and even temperature. The prices of DMMs vary from being very low (under $50) to quite high (thousands of dollars). But the least expensive models can now compete economically with their analog DMM counterparts.
known current is applied through Rmeas (the unknown resistor), which is series connected to a known reference resistor Rstd. A simple voltage divider is formed. The unknown resistance can be found using:
The exact value of the Current is not important because the unknown resistance is determined by the ratio of the voltages so long as the current is held Constant.
Many DMMs are battery-powered, portable instruments. Some are ruggedly designed to enable them to withstand the rigors of field measurements Others possess such features as autoranging operation (which means that the meter automatically adjusts its measuring circuits to the Correct voltage, Current, or resistance range), BCD or
IEEE-448 output compatability, and measurement of conductance and even temperature. The prices of DMMs vary from being very low (under $50) to quite high (thousands of dollars). But the least expensive models can now compete economically with their analog DMM counterparts.
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