This could just be a placebo, however this actually really worked for me, I couldn't keep a smile off my face while listening to this.
6 months ago•
thank your for this.. it helps after listening to 18 hertz.. never do it
1 year ago•
funny how this relieves anxiety, when a frequency of 18 hertz causes extreme sorrow, depression, madness, anxiety and makes you see things.
1 year ago•
Lawrence Chamblin
works really well
1 year ago•
camabelu e
Top notch.
1 year ago•
Leo Medrano
Just wonderful
1 year ago•
Made me have a panic attack. Dammit!
1 year ago•1
Natasha Bellasario
This made me feel worse! My panic is worse
1 year ago•
daz black
I wad about to slag this off but it actually worked. Lol amazing.
2 years ago•1
this beat make me alert
2 years ago•
this beat make me alert
2 years ago•
Zoo isoiooo olio o
2 years ago•
daz black
I wad about to slag this off but it actually worked. Lol amazing.
2 years a