The hygiene scoring system used was devised by Cook (2002) and divided the body in udder, lower and
upper leg and flank. Each zone was scored from 1‐4, 1 meaning clean, little or no evidence of manure; 2
= clean, only slight manure splashing; 3= dirty, distinct demarcated plaques of manure; and 4= filthy,
confluent plaques of manure.
The hygiene scoring system used was devised by Cook (2002) and divided the body in udder, lower andupper leg and flank. Each zone was scored from 1‐4, 1 meaning clean, little or no evidence of manure; 2= clean, only slight manure splashing; 3= dirty, distinct demarcated plaques of manure; and 4= filthy,confluent plaques of manure.
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