International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) – volume 13 number 2 – Jul 2014
ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 82
experiment achieved 70% less accuracy compared to the
classification experiment outcome.
B. Speed
In terms of the time taken to build and test the model, the
result shows Naive Bayesian to be the fastest. Followed by
Decision Tree with a very little difference, and ANN at last
taking the most time to build and test the model. However, the
three models were observed to have a varying duration for
model building and testing in proportion to the percentage
split; where a smaller training test implies a longer time
testing the mode, and vice versa. Also, the 10 Fold was
observed to be almost the same in duration of training and
testing as the percentage split.
C. Interpretability
The computation process in WEKA for Decision Tree and
Naive Bayesian are readable and understandable. But ANN is
obviously hard to understand because it is a Black-Box
algorithm. But in general the results are readable and
The comparative analysis of the models used in this study
shows that Multilayer Perceptron of Artificial Neural Network
(ANN) takes longer to build and test a model compared to
Decision Tree, Naive Bayesian, and the 10-Folds Cross
Validation. However, in terms of accuracy, the Multilayer
Perceptron seem be the best to cut across dataset percentage
split and cross validation algorithms. Also, it was observed in
this study that the smaller the number of the dimension of
class of a dataset, the higher the accuracy of the model would
Much gratitude and credit to the University of California
Irvine (UCI) data repository and Marco Bohanec for making
the car evaluation dataset available, also to the timeless
support and advice given by Professor Azuraliza Abu Bakar.