ฉันคงไม่ต้องไปเป็นออแพร์ ใช่ไหม
Thank you for your call. I know that living in America is difficult.But I think that if people does not adjustable ,they can not live everywhere.I want to know your word 'Difficult' it mean?
I was born in a poor family. My father died when I up secondary PI T 4. I do everything by myself since I was little.I help my mom plant vegetables , fishing along the canal, clean the house, wash dishes, wash clothes, which my life is not well before. I said I had everything is everything I have is enough for me.I want to be an au pair because I live with the kids for a long time and I like to be with them. I understand that they want and I can help them. But what I still have not enough is the language. I thank you for trying to understand what I say, I wanted to use the ability when I am intern trainee teacher to be an au pair. If I have good language, I won't have to be an au pair Right? Duty and what I have from the family I will do the best! I like your family. I hope you will give me a chance. I am still waiting to talk to you again.
ฉันคงไม่ต้องไปเป็นออแพร์ ใช่ไหมThank you for your call. I know that living in America is difficult.But I think that if people does not adjustable ,they can not live everywhere.I want to know your word 'Difficult' it mean?I was born in a poor family. My father died when I up secondary PI T 4. I do everything by myself since I was little.I help my mom plant vegetables , fishing along the canal, clean the house, wash dishes, wash clothes, which my life is not well before. I said I had everything is everything I have is enough for me.I want to be an au pair because I live with the kids for a long time and I like to be with them. I understand that they want and I can help them. But what I still have not enough is the language. I thank you for trying to understand what I say, I wanted to use the ability when I am intern trainee teacher to be an au pair. If I have good language, I won't have to be an au pair Right? Duty and what I have from the family I will do the best! I like your family. I hope you will give me a chance. I am still waiting to talk to you again.
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