Persuasive Essay: #65. Should schools start later in the morning?
Do you hate waking up early in the morning to go to school? I know I do. Especially on cold mornings when all you want to do is stay in your warm and cozy bed. However, schools’ schedules force us to wake up really early and be prepared to learn. Most students regularly wake up at around 6:00 a.m. or earlier! How do schools expect us to be alert and ready to learn in the morning while most of us are still half asleep?! When I go in my 1st class of the day the majority of the students are with their heads down, yawning, daydreaming, or complaining about how they are sleepy. Also, when the teacher is trying to teach their lessons most kids aren’t paying attention or look lost and I don’t blame them because it’s really difficult trying to figure out an algebra problem or any other problem when all your thinking about is going back to sleep. If teens were to wake up late for school they would be more concentrated on subjects and learn more. As a result, we would get better grades and be more successful.