review of related literature
this chapter discusses the definitions, methods, relevant strategies of translation, translation strategies of movie script, and poetry translating strategies. the related research and study will be presented and discussed.
2.1 Definitions of translation
According to catford (1965:20), translation is defined as the replacement of textual material in one language (source language) by equivalent textual material in another language (target language). Newmark (1981:7) states that translation is the attempt to replace a written message and/or statement in one language by the same message and/or statement in another language. Saibua (1995:1), a thai translation theorist, defines translation as transfer of the meaning of original language into target language with the aim to preserve the original meaning.
From the definitions of translation provided by three theorists, it shows that most of definitions mention the same characteristic of translation that is the transfer of messages or texts from one language to another language by endeavoring in preserving the meaning and from of original messages or texts.
Therefore, a translator is the one who plays important role in this task. Not only s/he must translate a text from one language into another, but s/he also has to preserve both meaning and form of the original text as nuch as possible. Saibua(1995:13-16)says translators play three roles:
1.the middle person between the sender and the receiver
2.The artist who creates art works
3.The originator and the experimenter
She also emphasizes that good translators should possess
1.Ability to use both the target language and the source language
2.The background knowledge of the original text
3.The ability to understand the writer of the original text
3.The art of writing skill