The mid-shore zone was
also the primary reglon of cluster formation, principally involving Clibanarius laevimanus and Cllbanarius
vlrescens, although 3 other species were also involved. The activity of the 2 semi-terrestrial
species, Coenoblta rugosus and Coenobita cavlpes, on Quirimba lsland was principally related to the
1ight:dark cycle but was str~kinglyd ifferent between open and mangrove habitats. Sornc degree of
activity took place in both specles throughout a 24 h period in the mangrove habitat, where the peak of
feedlng activlty was twice that of the open sand-scrub habitat. Wind strength was a major influence on
the activity of C. rugosus and C. cavipes, reducing the number of active ind~vidualsto zero at higher
wlnd speeds, even in thinly mangroved habitats.