Out of 373 potential participants, 294 met the study’s
inclusion criteria. Fig. 1 shows the flow of participants
through each stage of the study. Attrition during the
study brought the number of participants down from
294 to 271 after the second measurement period (posttest).
This loss of subjects was greater in the
experimental groups (12%) than in the control groups
(6%). Reasons given for dropping out of the study
included health problems, travel, the difficulty of the
program, and a loss of interest. There was no
statistically significant difference, in terms of
demographic and health measurements, between the
participants who continued in the study and those who
dropped out
Out of 373 potential participants, 294 met the study’sinclusion criteria. Fig. 1 shows the flow of participantsthrough each stage of the study. Attrition during thestudy brought the number of participants down from294 to 271 after the second measurement period (posttest).This loss of subjects was greater in theexperimental groups (12%) than in the control groups(6%). Reasons given for dropping out of the studyincluded health problems, travel, the difficulty of theprogram, and a loss of interest. There was nostatistically significant difference, in terms ofdemographic and health measurements, between theparticipants who continued in the study and those whodropped out
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