Sensei nodded as I answered his question.
“Yeah, it’s just like the data says. It’s almost exactly the same as past Sekiryuuteis. Though there were also cases in which they could use the Sacred Gear even once they released their armour. So, what’s the time needed for the transformation in your case?”
“Two minutes.”
“So the time was shortened thanks to your training and getting used to it. However, those two minutes are a matter of life-and-death. To put it bluntly, it’s hardly useful in actual combat. Above all, the time until the transformation during which Boosted Gear can’t be used is just too painful. Since there are a large number of people that can defeat you within those two minutes. You have to think of how you can take care of yourself until you transform. Those two minutes are your greatest weakness.”
…He instantly repudiated my Balance Breaker right to my face. As expected of sensei. That’s why my objective was also easy to see now, though. What should I do during those two minutes until the transformation? Did I have no choice but to evade and run away?
“The normal Boosted Gear’s doubling and transfer are also important, since they have a wide range of uses. However, Balance Breaker is indispensable when fighting a powerful enemy. The normal state and the Balance Breaker State each have their advantages and disadvantages. So, for how long can you use Balance Breaker?”
“Yes, at full, I can use it for thirty minutes. When I use my power, it decreases more.”
“That’s pretty good for your first time limit. That’s the results of your training. However, in an official game, that is completely out. It’s out of the question if it’s just thirty minutes, and what’s more decreases as you use it more. There will also be games with long stretches of distance and time. We have no choice but to increase Ise’s time limit from now on.”
So the training I did still isn’t enough. When will I be able to catch up to Vali?
However, Balance Breaker also depended on the time and situation. I had attained the power I wished for, but depending on the circumstances during battle, there would also be times when skilfully using the normal doubling and transfer ability would be better than using Balance Breaker.