Statement of purpose
My name is Kueakaew Nutsuda. I am a Thai graduate in Industrial and Organisational Psychology from Kasetsart University (KU), one of the most prestigious universities in Thailand with multicultural environment, bilingual education, and extra activity curriculum. The most important reason that I choose to further my study in the programme of Business with Consumer Psychology is I am interested in observing and would really like to understand human behavior. When I was doing my Bachelor’s degree, I had experienced in conducting a research on consumer psychology. My research subject is “Why students choose to go to a liquor store open areas around campus.” By doing this, I went into space observation, one-on-one and group interviewed, as well as did the study to find out the answers. In this project, I worked on an up-to-date academic area of study with the appropriate methodologies. A teacher once said, “Learning makes people have jobs. Activity makes ones have works.” His words impressed me then I decided to study and work in the field I am fond of. Such words also encouraged me to apply my knowledge and determination for coping with any situation in the future.
I have two inspirations for studying in The UK. First of all, I have a strong intention to further my study in Master’s and DPhil abroad in order not to achieve my goal only but also for my parents to be proud of. The other inspiration is I would like to know more on other aspects of psychology apart from what I have studied for my BA which were kind of theoretical. I hope I will be able to use my knowledge in the field effectively to apply for business tasks that I am also interested in. In addition, I look forward to communicating with international students with various backgrounds as for becoming an open-minded person with understanding cultural diversity.
During my graduation, I had an opportunity to take English language courses in New Zealand. It was my first time living by myself in a foreign country where I have learnt many new things. I was curious at that time about the number of Japanese restaurants that was greater than any other restaurants, even New Zealand ones. Asian people worked there, but none of the clients were Asians or Japanese. I was wondered why Japanese people living in Japan regularly had Japanese food while those who lived in New Zealand ignored their own food. What I have seen sparked me to be eager to understand such a situation. I would really know if any course answer my question. Fortunately, I met MA in Business with Consumer Psychology programme at Bangor University. The courses answer my question. I was extremely inspired to apply for a Master’s degree here. I expect the knowledge I gain from this programme would help me create more worldwide opportunities, develop my expertise, also make me be confident to run both my family business and my own business in the future.
Studying the programme of Business with Consumer Psychology at Bangor University would help me better my effectiveness and experience the global business. My family plan to establish a school for special children. The school opens for children with special training, whether it’s ADHA or children or children with special abilities. We are willing to empower them to be able to live well in the society with normal people. I believe that knowing consumer psychology will be an essential part for succeeding in business. I will certainly not waste time through a year of education. I am enthusiastic to improve my education and always ready to get precious experience at Bangor University.