you know very well who wrote it!" Charles Dr Gully, of course That's his handwriting I'm sure it You've been talking to him about me, haven't you? still in love with him. aren't you. No, Charles, I'm not!" Florence said. 'I haven't spoken to Dr Gully once since we were married. Anyway. look this letter, this is terrible handwriting Dr Gully writes much better than this Charles Bravo smiled a cold. angry smile. Really well. let's see. He's written lots of letters to you, hasn't he, Florence? And you've kept them. because you're in love with him. Go and find them. Florence, bring them her Then we'll see if this handwriting is the same. Florence's face went quite red. "I haven't got them, Charles,' she said. "I sent them all back to him, before we got married. And he gave me back all my letters, too the ones I wrote to him." Oh, really? Well, where are those letters? Bring them here, let me see them. I can't." Florence started to cry. I can't show you anyway, because I burnt them all on the fire. And I think Dr Gully burnt all my letters too. You see, I don't love him any more, Charles. That's over, it's finished. I'm never going to see Dr Gully again.' She stopped crying and put her hand on his arm. That's what you should do with this letter, too. It's a horrible letter, Charles Just burn it, forget all about it. Just as I have forgotten Dr Gully have you really, Florence? Are you sure?