fresh-cut asparagus lettuce could retain
color for 5 d at 4◦C prolonged shelf-life
for 12 d at 4◦C by using solutions containing 0.5 gmL−1 ascorbic
acid and 0.5 gmL−1 citric acid or 0.5 gmL−1 ascorbic acid and
0.2gmL−1 calcium chloride. For a combination of physical and
chemical methods, Huang and Jiang (2002) used heat treatment,
combined with 0.1 gmL−1 ascorbic acid or 50mgkg−1 hydrogen
peroxide, to inhibit enzymatic browning and prolong shelf-life for
6 d at 4◦C. Regarding coating films, Tang et al. (2003) found that
a coating containing 1 gmL−1 chitosan and 0.04 gmL−1 potassium
sorbate could inhibit enzymatic browning of and extend the shelflife
to10 d at 4 ◦C.