This publication is part of a series summarizing the in vitro and
in vivo toxicological assessment of kretek cigarettes. Smoke composition
and biological activity of mainstream smoke (MS) from
marketed and experimental kretek cigarettes were evaluated on
a comparative basis in smoke chemistry analyses, and in vitro
and in vivo toxicity studies. The studies were designed to cover
three main topics: (1) characterization of kreteks and comparison
relative to American-blended cigarettes, (2) impact of blend type
and cloves, and (3) impact of ingredients used in kretek cigarettes.
Further in depth information of this assessment is described in the
lead publication (Roemer, 2014b).
Kretek cigarettes contain clove buds in addition to tobacco in
the filler (up to 40%) that gives them their unique taste and smell.
In addition to the clove buds they also contain flavor ingredients