Case 11.2 - A Leader Under Fire
1)Would you describe Greg Mortenson as an authentic leader? Explain your answer.
There is a lot of data here that makes one wonder about his leadership qualities. If in fact he has fabricated his stories and misused funds. He is not a leader. We don't know just yet if he is an authentic leader...there is just too much question surrounding his story.
2)In the chapter, we discussed moral reasoning and transparency as components of authentic leadership. Do you think Greg exhibited these components as part of his leadership?
This is a case of "The jury is still out." How does one truly know if Greg was being transparent and utilized moral reasoning. There has been much media hype and this could also be a way to sabotage his works. We just don't know yet.
3)How was Greg's response to the allegations against him characteristic of an authentic leader?
It appears that Greg has kept quiet and not answered these allegations. There are two schools of thought for me here. Either he is guilty, or he chooses not to lower himself to the incorrect reporting. Too many questions surrounding this case to know for sure.
4)In the future, how will the investigations of Greg Mortenson affect the authenticity of his leadership?
Truth has a way of explaining everything. However, the negative publicity has already planted a seed in peoples mind regarding Greg. Sometimes the hole is too big to dig out of. This man has spent his life trying to help people in other countries, what a shame that the investigation has darkened his successes. Or, the investigation has opened up the truth to a flawed leader.