What hopes do you hold for yourself in the future?
What fears and obstacles do you currently face that you wish to overcome?
What internal resources do you inherently possess that will help you, now and always?
What goals do you have that you aspire to? Tip: Commit to the vision, but be flexible to the form.
What is the ultimate and underlying reason why these goals matter to you? (i.e.: I want to be a public speaker. Why? Because I want to share my knowledge openly!
What faith do you hold in your own strengths?
How will you remember what you have to offer, and how will you continue to know yourself and your presence as a contribution to this world?
How would you react if you met your future self? How would you interact? Create a sample dialogue—see where it goes!
And finally: What are ways that you can seek to love your future self no matter how much the future varies from what you expect it would be?
Time travel is possible, and we can indeed learn a lot by removing ourselves from the chronological march of time, and see ourselves as an infinite but evolving whole. Happy travels!