Teaching software maintenance using practical assignments
is challenging because the codebase size and maintenance
demands need to be high enough to make the exercise realistic,
but also low enough to be achievable by junior software
engineering students. In this paper, we propose a software
maintenance assignment to complement lectures on software
maintenance theory. In contrast to existing work, the assignment
uses a student-produced, medium-sized codebase
as a maintenance artefact to which students are asked to
add a feature. Towards adding the desired feature, the students
needed to fix existing issues. No documentation other
than that provided in the code (in form of comments) was
provided. The 11,000 lines of code software used in our
maintenance exercise had been produced by students in pre-
5. CONCLUSIONTeaching software maintenance using practical assignmentsis challenging because the codebase size and maintenancedemands need to be high enough to make the exercise realistic,but also low enough to be achievable by junior softwareengineering students. In this paper, we propose a softwaremaintenance assignment to complement lectures on softwaremaintenance theory. In contrast to existing work, the assignmentuses a student-produced, medium-sized codebaseas a maintenance artefact to which students are asked toadd a feature. Towards adding the desired feature, the studentsneeded to fix existing issues. No documentation otherthan that provided in the code (in form of comments) wasprovided. The 11,000 lines of code software used in ourmaintenance exercise had been produced by students in pre-
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