Near Blackwater Poisonous Lake, four strength ancient wild elders extremely sit cross-legged in the poisonous deep pool four directions, closed eyes maintain mental tranquility, was waiting for the following thing comes up, because they think that Ancient Desolate Devil Sect young master master Jiang Liguang the fellow under this puddle strikes to kill.
Blackwater Poisonous Lake is very deep, cloudy and cold incomparable, as if goes nonstop to nine quiet general, Chen Xiang dived the most of the day, unexpectedly did not have, lets in his heart panic-stricken, if no Black Tortoise Diamond Armor, if not hundred does not invade poisonously, even if the deity descends to earth is also hard the thing that obtains Zhen Motian to keep.
„This is not only the poisonous demon blood, I look have the blood of Poisonous Dragon, two poisonous blood extremely mix in together, unceasingly corrode the earth, making this puddle so deep, but also this place deep place, produces Yin Qi, becomes so cloudy and cold.” Long Xueyi said.
Also under a double-hour, Chen Xiang had seen to have weak Guan Liang suddenly, this makes him be overjoyed, from that type of light rosy cloud, like Demon Subduing Saint strength, thing that only then Zhen Motian refines, has this type of light rosy cloud.
After approaching, making him hold breath cold air, because he sees that thing all around to be empty, the poisonous water is unable to approach unexpectedly, this each one thing, deeply was hidden under this poisonous deep pool depth carries innumerably, Divine Power is still active, hundred do not invade poisonously, the power and influence is infinite.
Must know that under this deep deep pool, restrains by force very terroristly, if Chen Xiang does not have Black Tortoise Diamond Armor to protect the body, perhaps he was already restrained by force to grind the completely squashed putty by that type.
„Is an seal!” The Long Xueyi sound is shocking, cannot help but deeply inspired.
Su Meiyao exclaims hurriedly: „Zhen Motian Demon Subduing Saint seal in this place, no wonder the Demon Subduing temple for many years will really have these many people to strive for the power, actually does not have the Saint seal stable authority!”
„Demon Subduing Saint seal, is a Zhen Motian close halidom, but the Demon Subduing command of Demon Subduing temple must cover this seal to be effective, as for having what might, was unknown, because Zhen Motian has not needed this seal to fight.” Bai Youyou said.
The thing of Zhen Motian close , unexpectedly here, Zhen Motian? Zhen Motian in Heaven World is invincible existence, by trillion immortal respect, being made the numerous so-called Phantom Demon evil gods hear the discoloration, now only then his Demon Subduing temples as well as some incomplete Demon Subduing martial arts, where that person had not known.
That Demon Subduing Saint seal actually has intelligence, after inducing to Chen Xiang came, changes to together the golden light rainbow, submerges in the body of Chen Xiang, appears in the Chen Xiang dantian, float in five beast image place above.