Top soccer players do not necessarily have an extraordinary capacity in any of
the areas of physical performance. Soccer training is largely based on the game
itself, and a common recruitment pattern from player to coach and manager
reinforces this tradition. New developments in understanding adaptive processes
to the circulatory system and endurance performance as well as nerve and muscle
adaptations to training and performance have given rise to more effective training
interventions. Endurance interval training using an intensity at 90–95% of maximal
heart rate in 3- to 8-minute bouts have proved to be effective in the
development of endurance, and for performance improvements in soccer play.
Strength training using high loads, few repetitions and maximal mobilisation of
force in the concentric mode have proved to be effective in the development of
strength and related parameters. The new developments in physical training have
important implications for the success of soccer players. The challenge both for
coaches and players is to act upon the new developments and change existing
training practice.
166 Hoff & Helgerud
Soccer is one of the most widely played sports in first than in the second half of a match; nevertheless,
the world, and players need technical, tactical and aerobically fit players may be spared this decrement
physical skills to succeed. In part, professional soc- in performance.[8,10] However, no correlation has
cer is more concerned with selection rather than been documented between an individual’s percentdevelopment.
However, the focus of this review is age V˙ O2max at LT and decrement in performance
exclusively on the development of players’ ability, over the course of a game.[11]
primarily their physical resources. Individual tech- Previous studies demonstrate a significant relanique,
tactics and physical resources share impor- tionship between V˙ O2max and both the distance covtance
when evaluating performance differences in ered during a game[2,4] and the number of sprints
soccer. The average importance of each of these first attempted by a player.[2] Rank-order correlation belevel
analytic approaches to differences in perform- tween average V˙ O2max and placing for the first four
ance is close to one-third. teams in the Hungarian First Division Champion-
Within physical resources, strength and power ship was shown by Apor.[12] The mean V˙ O2max of
and their derivatives acceleration, sprinting and elite soccer players is normally reported to be bejumping
share importance with endurance in ex- tween 55–67 mL/kg • min[9,13-17] with individual
plaining differences in physical resources within the values greater than 70 mL/kg • min.
soccer performance.