Solidarity Against Contract Renewal
Becuz the post is too long so I just quote the title :P
This's a very sensitive issue but TBH, I do not like WM either :angry: Since 2013-2014 when JS had to work like a cow and we can easily see that he was exhausted through those BTS photos. He slept whenever he can and wherever it is! :( I can’t deny that I’m happy to see him acting from drama to movies but I really worried ab his health, too. It’s bitter to say this but yeah, JS is one of the main source of income for WM but this company doesn’t treasure him or even appreciate his effort. In Hwashin show, JS said that WM always decided among themselves, include becoming the MC of a music show *which he really hates* or going to events, variety shows blablabla.... The only thing that he can decide is the script. This is ridiculous and hurtful at the same time. Artists can have their own voice and the company must respect that!
Today when I read this post from JS’s DC, I dislike WM more than ever!!!:angry: Way more than when they said JS couldn’t attend Baeksang :angry: WM really sucks!!!:angry: I really want him to change company but I also worry that JS will be hurt the most in the end.
To WellMade (If there is any WM’s staff lurking in here) We’re thankful that you made Jong Suk’s dream of becoming an actor came true. We’re thankful that you gave us a chance to know Actor Lee Jong Suk. But the one who make Lee Jong Suk today isn’t you but that is Jong Suk himself. More than anyone else, you should know that well and appreciate him. We all want him to be happy but if you continue behaving that way, sooner or later JS will be the one being hurt. Please change your attitude and if you can’t provide him the better environment, just let him go!