Research methodology
This research is theoretical research and involves collection, integration and
systematisation of organisational agility research, supply chain research and ISs research.
Webster and Watson (2002) advocated for literature review as it creates strong basis for
advancing knowledge. Moreover, they noted the need for a review on emergent issues in
which the authors’ contribution would be fresh theoretical foundations suggested in
developing a conceptual model.
Literature review was thoroughly conducted with the aim of developing strategic
agility constructs, their relationship and the role of IT in a SC setting. Moreover, a
systematic literature review (Kitchenham et al., 2009) was conducted but a detailed
account of the review results will not be discussed in this paper as it is not the research
focus. The most close research work on strategic agility is by Doz and Kosonen (2008).
However, there is also related constructs such as operational agility (Sambamurthy et al.,
2003) and enterprise agility (Overby et al., 2006) which were utilised in developing
strategic agility construct. In developing the strategic agility construct the required IT
services were thereby mapped. Järvinen (2012) suggest that concepts are mechanisms for
differentiating items and grouping them and they form the basis for conceptual and empirical analyses and synthesis. In this research strategic agility concept was defined
and furthermore considered in SC setting