Dear P Toh,
Thank you for your team service for the past several months krup!
Hopefully, what we have crafted out together will have a great feedback from our audience .
For the outstanding balance, I will send you a transfer slip once it has been processed krup.
Best regards,
Sent from my iPhone
> On 28 ส.ค. 2558, at 09:35, Noppatad Leerasettakorn wrote:
> Dear Khun Wine,
> How are you and everyone at Trustee?
> The web looks great and getting more alive everyday, good job kub!
> Work in Bangkok have just finished the radio spot production yesterday and that was our final task of the job kub.
> So attached please find the invoice of the final payment for the creative fee kub.
> I hope you guys like what we did for you na kub 555.
> And I’m looking forward to working with you again.
> Best reagrds,
> Toh
> Noppatad Leerasettakorn
> Work in Bangkok Co., Ltd.
> T. 66 2722 4482
> M. 66 86 882 0147
> F. 66 2722 4481
> E.