There are many different opinions to social networks. Some think it is stupid to share every single thought with the world even if it is very unnecessary, some think that it is the best way to tell your friends what you are doing or to see what they are going to do. People and society is always fighting about whether there are more risks or useful opportunities.
A big advantage of social networks is, that you can stay in touch with your friends and family from all around the world. So, you can send them a picture or post some funny videos on their “wall” to make them see it. For example, if your son or your daughter is living maybe somewhere in the US and he/she has a child that you are barely seeing in Austria, it’s wonderful to have a social network like Facebook, where you see some new photographs and some important information about your proper grandchild’s childhood.
Another huge benefit is that if you press “like” or “follow” on pages or blogs that you are interested to, you always get the newest piece of information and you always be up to date. Also, you know about every event from your favourite band, for instance. You will be informed about the bar, the club or the stadium where they have their gig. Thus, you will be as close as possible on your star’s life.
The probably worst disadvantage of social networks is that your whole life is saved on the internet forever. That means, nothing can be completely removed from your browser.
If you are on social networks, everyone can find you there. So, it’s a big risk of being stalked by someone dangerous. They may find out where you live to rape or injure you because of such strange reasons, that not even them could complain it logically.