Compared with conventional methods, the new process with
fresh red peppers without any drying process as materials and
aqueous ethanol as solvent for stage extraction of capsaicinoids and
red pigments were simple, but gave a high yield of red pigments
without remain of toxic solvent. With simplicity of production
procedure (the drying process is omitted) in the new process, the
production cost and labor intensity would be decreased. The yield
of red colorants increased because loss of carotenoids decrease
without drying process of FRPs. And especially, the remains of toxic
organic solvent could be completely avoided because only ethanol
is used in this process. Considering production process, the
extractive equipments used in the conventional methods could be
used in the new procedure. So, scale-up production is easy to
Compared with conventional methods, the new process withfresh red peppers without any drying process as materials andaqueous ethanol as solvent for stage extraction of capsaicinoids andred pigments were simple, but gave a high yield of red pigmentswithout remain of toxic solvent. With simplicity of productionprocedure (the drying process is omitted) in the new process, theproduction cost and labor intensity would be decreased. The yieldof red colorants increased because loss of carotenoids decreasewithout drying process of FRPs. And especially, the remains of toxicorganic solvent could be completely avoided because only ethanolis used in this process. Considering production process, theextractive equipments used in the conventional methods could beused in the new procedure. So, scale-up production is easy toachieve.
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