We wll have more than this only normally. So, you have more than this only, but this is,
anyhow this is a stipulation that it says that 45, it is measurable, the radius it will make.
No no there is a point at which no force has started acting. See what happens is that, that
that we will talk next class, hydrodynamics of rudder, that you keep on increasing more,
you have plate here, you keep on making more and more and more then it will not
produce lift this side Oh It will not, just it is like a plane. So, there is a limit, in fact, no
use of giving, No no no it is like a plane, you know. If you want to go like that, it is
going to go up anymore, because, it is going to be just a drag. So, for producing lift, you
need to know angle of attack, an angle of attack should be some 38 degree yeah.
Normally, they call angle of stall, after that, it actually comes down and 35 also is very
high, most ships may be 30 degree. I do not know, you see, even you design it, you
probably design up to 35 degree both sides. But we do not go away frequently No You
do not go away, you do not need to go, you see, that is why, I am saying initial tuning
ability because, most of the ship unless the emergency, you do not make a u turn to run
away, see for a big ships, that is because, if you are a smuggler, you are being chased,
you might try to run away, but that small ships, but here you do not, do you need to
check that, but initial turning ability is more important actually.
We wll have more than this only normally. So, you have more than this only, but this is,anyhow this is a stipulation that it says that 45, it is measurable, the radius it will make.No no there is a point at which no force has started acting. See what happens is that, thatthat we will talk next class, hydrodynamics of rudder, that you keep on increasing more,you have plate here, you keep on making more and more and more then it will notproduce lift this side Oh It will not, just it is like a plane. So, there is a limit, in fact, nouse of giving, No no no it is like a plane, you know. If you want to go like that, it isgoing to go up anymore, because, it is going to be just a drag. So, for producing lift, youneed to know angle of attack, an angle of attack should be some 38 degree yeah.Normally, they call angle of stall, after that, it actually comes down and 35 also is veryhigh, most ships may be 30 degree. I do not know, you see, even you design it, youprobably design up to 35 degree both sides. But we do not go away frequently No Youdo not go away, you do not need to go, you see, that is why, I am saying initial tuningability because, most of the ship unless the emergency, you do not make a u turn to runaway, see for a big ships, that is because, if you are a smuggler, you are being chased,you might try to run away, but that small ships, but here you do not, do you need tocheck that, but initial turning ability is more important actually.
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