Dear Michael,
First of all I wish to present you my BEST Wishes for the season
I revert towards you with the full investigation report regarding the order TA-TH-2015-173P
Therefore please find attached along with some more information in the corpse of this email the loading report, the product and carton list report and the production process
Production team:
Day 1: Once we have received the fresh pineapple the raw material is being washed 3 times then we Peel the skin and we remove the eyes and the cutting is taking place.
We separate the flesh visually and the core and we keep in sealed and frozen bags the product in our cold storage at -25 C.
Day 2: The losgistic staff takes the prepared flesh out from storage - Brix measure of the flesh is immediately done in order to verify that we obtain a minimum of 12%.
The core is throwing away because if we use in production it makes color darker than usual.
Then we put the checked product in the separator and we take the pulp into the tank (20 kg x 4 tanks/time) and in the meantime the fibers part to the hydraulic press machine to get the requested final pulp/juice.
We mix together the fibers with the pulp - Pasteurised at 85 C duration 60 mins ( 1 batch ) - Load the pulp to Stock tank - Pack into the drum 150 kg per batch, duration 20 mins - Wait for new batch to complete 1 drum (60 mins) - Once fill in complete 185 kg, closed the bag, closed the drum lid - transfer to cold storage 5 mins, at temperature -25 C, Keep in cold storage 3 days till the products in drum completely frozen.
We are working on the project to repair the two blast frozen rooms which would be at -35 C to keep the goods quickly frozen to add a security step during the process regarding the possibility of any fermentation.
Important: From now on we have a new juice line in which all the machines are fully linked together
Finished Product:
- Step 1: There are only 5 minutes from Packing are to Cold storage room.
- Step 2: From Cold Storage room to the loading bridge in order to fill the container (4 drums by 4 drums) we spend 20 minutes.
- Step 3: Once the container is closed we wait till the temperature reaches minus 18 C (3 hours about)
By the way maybe could you bring the device which allows a survey of the temperature inside the container during transportation?
I testify that the production process of TA-TH-2015-173P was realized exactly as per the above
I look forward to receive when they will inform you Starbucks full report along with pictures of the product itself
Thank you very much for your support on this matter and for understanding as per the call you had with Wachi that the issue might come from Starbucks and not from our end.
It is really a good news that you are coming mid-January. I will be delighted to show you all improvements and plan an even more relationship for all those upcoming years
Once again BEST WISHES FOR THE SEASON without forgetting Mrs Blew
Kind regards