As Ferid appears to answer, Crowley slams on the breaks and sends Ferid flying through the windshield. The humans are startled, and Yu gripes about hitting his head.
Ferid adjusts his broken neck and ponders about how absolutely boring the beautiful blue sky is.
Ferid sits up and asks why Crowley stomped on the breaks. Crowley asks if that was "spectacular" enough for Ferid, and Ferid shows surprise before laughing. He says he did not see that one coming.
The humans disembark and demand an explanation. However, a shout from Lest Karr demands that Ferid greet his betters properly. Quite alarmed by the unexpected vampire army, Yu confronts Ferid, but Ferid quickly warns him to be silent. He says even he will get killed in an instant if Yu screws this up.
Ferid greets the members of the Progenitor Council.