Do you honestly believe that black people think their race is "superior" to white people, as per your definition? Do you really? Because if you do, you are wrong as wrong can be. I'm black, been surrounded by fellow blacks all my life -- home, work, school -- and never have I ever heard anyone of my color explicitly say or imply they were "superior to white people". On the other hand, I've heard the opposite quite a lot, even FROM black people to insult OTHER black people.
Black Prejudice isn't based on thinking "one is superior" it's based on the fact that even though our forefathers put in the work to make this country great even under the constant demeaning and duress of white people, the previous and current generations have shitty stereotypes and we are justifiably sick and fucking tired of it and angry.
We get called Lazy, even though we practically built this country.
We get called thieves even though white people stole /US/ (and the fucking country).
We get called criminals even though the most heinous crimes in history were committed by white men.