Rising trends-slanting traditions
The world's views about the future life is being subject to a permanent change.
We have done a survey in our class, which is including 18 students. We have asked questions about the jobs they want to work in, what they like to do after graduation, what they are thinking about to do a gap year, where they wish to live, whether the want to have children or pets. In this text we like to summarize our results.
Graduation is one of the most exciting moments in someone's life but a lot of them dont know, what to do after it. A huge majority is about to go to university with 77.8 percent. Only 22.2 percent are planning to do an apprenticeship. One of the trends who recently have risen is doing a gap year. A year for studying or working in a foreign country and for knowing something more about the culture and the traditions of this country. Even 38.9 percent are thinking about doing a gap year. While America, Australia and Asia became the most popular continents, doing a gap year im Europe or Africa decreased immensely.
It strike us that the handcraft is dying. Just 5.6 percent marked a handcraft job as their favourite profession.
We wondered that technical jobs (33.3 percent) and social jobs (44.4 percent) are more popular than jobs in an office (16.7 percent).
Another rising trend is living in other countries. Nearly a fifth indicated that they want to live abroad. Living in big cities is a bit more popular (41.6 percent) than living in a village (37.5 percent) in future.
The students rather live in a house (61.1 percent) than in a flat (5.5 percent) or in a communal residence.
In two topics the students are agreed -family and children. Everyone wrote that they like to set up a seperate family with children.
Sure there could be worries in future: The major anxiety of them are health problems with 42.5 percent followed by financial problems (25 percent). Conflicts with the family (20 percent) is another fear.
The vast majority with 83.3 percent want to have 1 or more pets. As expected, they rather buy dogs (44.8 percent). The second place is shared with cats, fish and turtles (13.8 percent).
Important to say is that just 22.2 percent think that they completely can acchieve their wishes. The rest is thinking that some points will be happen.