Civil Defence Act (Chapter 42, Section 115) Civil Defence (Detention) Regulations Rg 3 G.N. No. S 284/1986 REVISED EDITION 1990 (25th March 1992) [14th November 1986] Citation 1. These Regulations may be cited as the Civil Defence (Detention) Regulations. Definitions 2. In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires — “arrested person” means a person under arrest under the Act; “commandant” means — (a) in the case of detention barracks, an officer appointed by the Commissioner as the commandant of the detention barracks; or (b) in the case of a guardroom, an officer appointed by a commanding officer as the commandant of the guardroom; “guard” means a person responsible for the guarding of arrested persons or persons serving detention in detention barracks or guardrooms; “guardroom” means a place designated as a guardroom by a commanding officer with the approval of the Commissioner; “Head of Manpower” means the Head of the Manpower Department of the Force; “person serving detention” means a person serving sentence of detention imposed by a disciplinary officer; “prison” means a prison declared as such under section 3 of the Prisons Act (Cap. 247). Place of custody 3. —(1) Subject to these Regulations — (a) arrested persons shall be kept in custody in guardrooms; and (b) persons sentenced to detention shall be kept in custody in detention barracks. (2) The Head of Manpower may, however, direct that persons referred to in paragraph (1)(a) shall be kept in custody in detention barracks and that persons referred to in paragraph (1)(b) shall be kept in guardrooms. Women 4. Women arrested and women serving detention shall be kept in such places and under such conditions as the Head of Manpower may direct having due regard to decency and the special position of such women. Temporary place of custody 5. When a person is placed under arrest or sentenced to detention during a state of civil defence emergency or state of emergency and he cannot be immediately delivered into a guardroom or detention barrack, he may be kept in custody in such place as his commanding officer may
direct, except that he shall be kept under conditions which are not detrimental to his health and that as soon as possible he shall be delivered into a guardroom or detention barrack. Separation of persons in custody 6. Whenever practicable arrested persons shall be kept separately from persons serving detention and persons above the rank of sergeant shall be kept separately from other persons in custody. Standing orders 7. The commandant may, subject to the Act and these Regulations, issue standing orders in respect of detention barracks, guardrooms, arrested persons and persons serving detention. Admission to detention barracks 8. —(1) Before a person serving detention is delivered to a detention barrack, he shall be examined by a medical officer who shall have to certify in Form 1 set out in the Schedule that he is fit to undergo detention or for such work or training. (2) On admission of an arrested person or a person serving detention to a detention barrack or guardroom, the following procedure shall apply: (a) the commandant or a person acting on his behalf shall examine whether there is lawful authority for keeping the person in custody; (b) an arrested person or a person serving detention shall, with due regard to decency, be searched and any article or document which he is not allowed to keep in his possession shall be taken from him and kept in safe custody; a list of these articles or documents authenticated by the signature of the person responsible for the taking of the articles or documents and countersigned by the possessor shall be kept and a copy thereof shall be given to him. (3) A person serving detention shall be issued with the necessary items of clothing which shall serve as his attire during the duration of his detention. (4) A committal order of persons serving detention shall be in Form 2 set out in the Schedule. Accommodation 9. Two persons shall not be kept in custody in one cell. There shall be either one person or at least 3 persons in one cell. Permitted articles 10. —(1) Subject to paragraph (2), an arrested person or a person serving detention shall not be allowed to keep in his cell any article other than the necessary wearing apparel. (2) The commandant may permit an arrested person or a person serving detention to keep any article in the cell. Searches 11. The commandant may order an arrested person or a person serving detention to be searched at any time. Food 12. Subject to regulation 24(1)(b), arrested persons or persons serving detention shall be provided with food similar to that provided to servicemen not in custody. Prohibition on smoking 13. No arrested person or person serving detention shall smoke or have in his possession any match or lighter, or any naked light. Letters
14. —(1) A person serving detention shall be allowed to write one letter on admission to detent