researcher is able to obtain or predict the thermophysical properties
of the food system in the freezing temperature range. For this
reason, it is necessary to obtain accurate thermophysical properties
(density (r), specific heat (CP), thermal conductivity (k), and initial
freezing point (Tsh)). If the aim is to study the freezing process, three
aspects are critical. First, the determination of thermophysical
properties is critical in the thermal processing of many foods
because accurate calculations depend greatly on the estimated
thermal properties. This fact is particularly true for calculations of
the freezing time. Second, there is an immense variety of foods in a
wide temperature range (normally from 40 C upto þ40 C). According
to the literature, the main sources of information regarding
the thermophysical properties in the freezing temperature range
are as follows: a) experimental data from the literature, b) prediction
equations, and c) experimental determination. As was previously
mentioned, the literature data on thermophysical properties
in the freezing temperature range is available but scarce. Third, the