BLDC motor is a type of DC motor which commutation
is done electronically, not by brushes. Thus it needs less
maintenance and also its noise susceptibility is less. High
efficiency, high speed ranges and high dynamic response
due to permanent magnet (low inertia) rotor are immediate
advantages of BLDC motor over brushed DC and induction
motors for electric vehicle application. BLDC motor has more
complex control algorithm compare to other motor types due
to electronic commutation. Commutation is done by knowing
exact position of permanent magnet rotor. Typically there are
two algorithms for rotor detection. One uses usually sensors
(Hall Effect) and the other does not which is called sensorless.
Hall Effect sensors are mounted inside motor in 120 electrical
degrees to detect rotor position. Optical encoders are used
for high resolution applications. Various sensorless techniques
which have been reported till now are: 1- back-EMF sensing,
2- back-EMF integration, 3- freewheeling diode conduction of
unexcited phase, 4- flux linkage based, 5- speed independent
position function and 6- third-harmonic analysis of back-EMF
[4]. Sensorless control of BLDC motor is not scope of this
paper. In this paper commutation is done by Hall Effect sensors
in simulation. Accurate model of motor is required to design
complete and precise control scheme of BLDC. Permanent
magnet synchronous motor block of MATLAB/SIMULINK is
used in simulation.
BLDC motor is a type of DC motor which commutationis done electronically, not by brushes. Thus it needs lessmaintenance and also its noise susceptibility is less. Highefficiency, high speed ranges and high dynamic responsedue to permanent magnet (low inertia) rotor are immediateadvantages of BLDC motor over brushed DC and inductionmotors for electric vehicle application. BLDC motor has morecomplex control algorithm compare to other motor types dueto electronic commutation. Commutation is done by knowingexact position of permanent magnet rotor. Typically there aretwo algorithms for rotor detection. One uses usually sensors(Hall Effect) and the other does not which is called sensorless.Hall Effect sensors are mounted inside motor in 120 electricaldegrees to detect rotor position. Optical encoders are usedfor high resolution applications. Various sensorless techniqueswhich have been reported till now are: 1- back-EMF sensing,2- back-EMF integration, 3- freewheeling diode conduction ofunexcited phase, 4- flux linkage based, 5- speed independentposition function and 6- third-harmonic analysis of back-EMF[4]. Sensorless control of BLDC motor is not scope of thispaper. In this paper commutation is done by Hall Effect sensorsin simulation. Accurate model of motor is required to designcomplete and precise control scheme of BLDC. Permanentmagnet synchronous motor block of MATLAB/SIMULINK isused in simulation.
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