Arts and professional relationships with colleagues III
8. Librarians should consider their career as a public trust, and every time uphold integrity and dignity of the profession and protect it from the misrepresentation
9. Librarians should not directly or indirectly assist in the unauthorized practice of librarianship. They should report any violations of the provisions of existing laws, any rules and ethics for librarians to register and other laws affecting the performance of the Library Board for Librarians for appropriate action.
10. Librarian, librarians should exchange information with their friends to participate in the work of libraries and school libraries, and to cooperate in efforts such as the enhancement of library and information science professionals
11. Librarians should be noted at the time of appointment in the line of duty in the performance of the contract and the relationship with customers, employees and employers
12. Librarians should avoid a situation where personal interest that may be served or receive financial benefits at the expense of library users, colleagues or employment agencies.