The conductometric sensing does not seem to be right scheme for gas sensing analysis of p-type materials because oxygen ionosorption generates holes near the surface which results in increasing the concentration of majority carriers (holes) in the material and consequently, you do not detect significant signal variations upon gas reactions with ionosorbed oxygen. An alternative approach is Kelvin Probe (KP) surface workfunction analysis which could improve the detection of surface-gas interactions [8]. KP sensing is an highly sensitive technique to monitor very small changes in the surface contact potential difference when interacts with a gas or mixture of gases the surface, thus enabling detection of very small concentrations interacting to the surface. We have prepared p-type CuO nanowires as well as thin film and investigated their gas sensing properties by measuring surface workfunction variations by exposing both materials to various concentrations of NO2, Ethanol, NH3, and CO at elevated operating temperature in controlled environment, to analyze surface workfunction variations and contribution of different surface morphologies.