I had already came to England and Newcastle. The last 2 day Dr Chanin bring me and P' wanpen to walk around city and the department store. But when I go to downtown , I taked by underground train call" Metro". It's so comfortable.
On the weekend Saturday and Sunday there are a lot of people in the Shopping Mall. But there aren't people in resident area. It 's so quite. It different form Thailand.
On Sunday, I and another went to Dr Ian house's . It was meeting party with Bar Bee Q and other foods that's strenge. They aren't delicious. And I met new foreign friends there. They are so friendly.
Yesterday I began to work and everybody in our team and other staff in Newcastle for this project had to disscus and Dr Chanin presented about our university. It's OK. But I and P'Wanpen have to talk with other foreigner. They just only speak English. I try to do it.
And yesterday evening, I went to the dinner party in the Mexican resterant. I had to drink Red Wine and a lot of food that wonderful. Ha Ha ! Mai Arow. (no delicious). But everyone here are nice and friendly.
There are many things different from Thailand as the weather, It so cold ( may be cool for thai people). But when I go to our room in the hotel It's Ok because I open the heater. But the outside there are windy and rainy all days. Sometimes it's sunny but more a few minute pass away It 's raining. So I have to get the umbrella on my bag.
Everydays I get in the Metro (underground train). I think when another staff go back, I and P' Wanpen will try to travel around the city by the Metro. I have many maps. It' so long e-mail .
I will send you any more message again.