4. Conclusion
Jungklang and Saengnil (2012) reported that PBZ increased the tolerance of C. alismatifolia Gagnep. cv. Chiang Mai Pink plants under water-deficit stress conditions by reducing proline and MDA content. This result showed that PBZ induced the water stress tolerance of the plants by maintaining fresh weight and RWC, reducing EL and proline, enhancing the levels of vitamin C and E antioxidants, and by increasing the activities of the antioxidative enzymes, e.g. SOD and CAT, in the leaves.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest regarding the publication of this article.
We are very grateful for the assistance of Miss Phornwisa Jaihaen, Miss Janyathip Pookjinda, Miss Nittaya Junsew, and Miss Warunee Jomkitichai as our assistant researchers, our colleague J.F. Maxwell and Mr. Russell Kirk Hollis for editing this manuscript, along with the Thai Government Fund for financial support.