2 shows the changes in consumption of food and nutrient
groups, OS biomarkers, body weight,
and BMI between T0 and T1. The IG
significantly increased its intake of
FV whereas the CG did not. The
study's final assessment (T1) revealed
that mean FV intake in the IG was
748.2 g (confidence interval, 397–
941.1) whereas it was 494.6 g (confidence interval, 333.9–766.3) in the
CG (data not shown). This result
occurred mainly because of increased
fruit intake, although vegetable consumption also increased significantly
in the IG; there was no significant
change for fruits or vegetables in the
CG. A significant reduction in RPM
consumption was observed only in
the IG. The same result was found in
relation to energy and intake of proteins, total lipids, and saturated and
monounsaturated fats, which were
significantly reduced only in the IG.
However, after Bonferroni correction
the consumption of FV and fruit
increased significantly for IG.