1.Infrared Ray Cup Detector; Large Capacity Canisters; Automatic Cup Dispenser; Multi-Coin Acceptor; Adjustable Pricing and Water & Materials Volume. Cup Counting.
2. Water Supply: Water Bottle on Top; Tap Water Interface on Rear; Water Pump in Metal Cabinet (Optional).
3. Coin Acceptor: (Normal Type). Bill Validator optional.
4. Number & Capacity of Canisters: 4 pcs & 3L (about 2000g) each canister.
5. Selections: 7 Hot Premixed Drinks and one hot water and one cold water.
6. Water Storage: 8L reserver, 1.6L hot water, 1.6L chilled water (or 3L based on compressor).
7. Cup Storage & Size: 130 pcs of 6.5oz or 9oz cups (Φ73- Φ74mm).