According to Thai consumers’ demographic characteristic, more than 80% of customers age
between 18–45 years old with good education. This new generation likes dining out and trying new food
in halal way. They receive new information through online media such as facebook, instragram, and
website. Halal restaurants should focus on their interest to attract and maintain Thai Muslim customers.
For non-Thai consumers, around 75% of customers are Malaysian, Indonesian and Singaporean.
And likewise, more than 80% of them age between 18–45 years old with average education higher than
Thai people in both international and Islamic education. This group comes both with tour companies
and by their own. Keeping contact with tour companies and promote through official website are good
communication channel for non-Thai Muslim customers.
According to the confirmatory factor analysis of Thai consumer model, it was found that
each component of service marketing mix factor had factor loading ranging from 0.94–0.64; physical
environment, people, process, and product were rated higher than 0.80. For internal marketing, each
component had factor loading ranging from 0.93–0.86. In terms of perceived service quality, each
component had factor loading ranging from 0.90–0.80. Lastly, each component of customer loyalty