0:01hello students it's a professor might come and I share with our very first
0:05Dreamweaver lectured this is not in the classroom so this will be without pauses
0:10and questions and stuff like that
0:11it all flow a little better and that i'm gonna do all three of these first
0:15lectures for cs6 because I just felt like the ones I was doing a class ever
0:18get a little
0:19all too clogged up as I had to stop ago in stop-and-go
0:22so if you're coming into this video and you not wanna my students
0:26I also want to welcome you this is the place to be
0:29if you want to crank out a quick website you not a professional coder developer
0:34you don't you don't want to be a
0:36expert on a computer or need to be but you want to get a website going and
0:41focus on optimizing that's when my course is all about teach a course for
0:44marketing students
0:45at 10 materials larger business schools and
0:48this course is designed to show the students that they don't need to be IT
0:53to make a good website and then spend some time optimizing their site search
0:57engine optimization is what it's all about these days it has been for a long
1:00the website being fancy in things flying in from the left and the right that's
1:05not as important
1:06as keeping users there with engaging content and calls to action these are
1:10all things will get to later
1:12and further videos my playlist right now we gotta get started in Dreamweaver cs6
1:17okay so a few things I want you guys know going in pay whom I had just talked
1:23about that
1:24and I'm not just instructor such things a marketing professor at
1:29a business school in Ontario I wanna materials largest colleges but I also do
1:33a lot to overcome the side I have a real estate license I I am steeped in the
1:38and involved in a variety of web marketing type of thing so
1:42its is coming from a guy that's tried a lot of different things and this is the
1:47way I like to do it I prefer to use Dreamweaver
1:49going into this you're gonna need some basic HTML and CSS knowledge
1:53okay and my students you guys know you've completed the web workshop right
1:57came in school dot com slash 5055 four modules an HTML and CSS
2:03anybody watching the video that hasn't done this yr is in my class is welcome
2:07to do this
2:08I gotta give w3schools little credit for this mean another prop
2:11put this together for our course and
2:14catered the content and tweaked it to be more appropriate for our program but we
2:19we're basing it on a Christian on they have here at w3schools
2:22which is a website run by the World Wide Web Consortium which is a reorganization
2:27that form right around the same time as the weather
2:29to try and it control the types of Colin monitor the behavior people putting
2:35stuff on the web so we can keep it more universal more uniform
2:38and they offer free education here i mean educate yourself
2:42it's not a make-or-break thing if we don't have any knowledge going into my
2:46tutorials and this is a tutorial
2:49video okay I i do want to stress that it's a full lecture video I have lots of
2:54in my youtube channel if you wanna go check it out that are one of concepts
2:58for Dreamweaver
2:59I'm also what you're done cs5 but they're almost all of them are clickable
3:03the cs6 cs4 cs3
3:05and seeing what this one even though I'm doing this in cs6
3:08the system that I set up for my students which I've perfected in a way that makes
3:14it easier for them
3:16to set up a site im and get to the optimizing sooner
3:20I don't want them schooner out the website for weeks and weeks months and
3:24I want the site done in a matter of minutes and then they can focus on the
3:27because that's what takes the most time so these first three tutorial videos
3:31they are
3:32fall lecture videos this whole be at least an hour long just preparing you
3:35for that but it will be very very good if you've never use Dreamweaver
3:39and restrooms that mister glasser the not caught up this just start from the
3:42beginning I start right here
3:43it's going to be better off I stop a lot talk about file management everything
3:47and you in the video could probably take me about 10 minutes I just went through
3:50and edit
3:51but I need to talk you guys through this stuff okay so there will be a more
3:55compressed version available
3:56as soon as I finish all three parts I'll do for fun
4:00that's a compressed version A everything together and all these concepts
4:04that's pretty much what on your test okay from the lecture videos
4:07so that's so you can have the full lecture videos 123
4:10and then you can have a compressed version all which can help you prepare
4:13for the test that's coming up very soon probably
4:16if you are watching this now as most machines don't watch in tort for the
4:21if not my class not to worry about a test but you do need to have some %uh
4:24its if you don't have any yet you could probably still get through specially
4:28these first few videos
4:29but eventually you're gonna wanna brush up your skills and basic HTML CSS and
4:34I'll show you a couple good places
4:36to do that either my work shopper w3schools dot com
4:39and you should have Dreamweaver install the course it's this isn't gonna work it
4:42you know Dreamweaver installed
4:44Dreamweaver is free for 30 days from Adobe
4:47I am you probably know what a license once you start using cuz it's awesome
4:51it you know how you get a license is up to you I would never
4:55condone or promote piracy software I I have a paid license on my computer its
5:00you know did I get it in was are working in Dreamweaver or so and and I get it
5:04does work for earlier versions what I do here
5:06as watching my videos bezel or full-screen resolutions better
5:10and anytime gone fast and I just ran through some just possibly
5:14okay pas nearly one students you guys know it's tough in my lectures
5:18done in the classroom so here if you need to see me do some over and over
5:21again just possibly keep going back and watching it
5:24okay so let's get cracking so here's a list of what we're gonna cover
5:29I'll stripped my videos as you probably already guessed on
5:32I'm talking here and there about various things but I always try and get myself a
5:37what we're going through each video and it'll either be done with notes from my
5:40class these are taken right from my class is my students know you guys were
5:43going to do
5:45content here this is the first link in Week five so this is our
5:48what you gonna see in this video is covering the stuff
5:51part 1 love the three-part series week 5 that is the stuff okay
5:56and lol leader start with something like this in my videos are start with a quick
5:59cup PowerPoint slide to talk about what I'm gonna do
6:02and then I'm going to do it known as I as I'm going through things are kinda
6:06check back in with the list every now and then okay so first thing going to
6:09talk about
6:09why Dreamweaver that's why you're watching this video you want to learn to
6:13use Dreamweaver you have to learn to use it
6:15why Dreamweaver instead of one of these content management systems
6:18that are on the web better free okay and that's what a CMS
6:22is standard stands for this content management system CMS not see her a lot
6:26of people refer to these construction programs as these days not
6:30not applications but content management systems okay so you get a website set up
6:35you get into the portal you get into the program and then you're going
6:38infrequently and updating and adding if you're not you not
6:41optimizing the site well so of course there are other options and I did
6:45wanna talk about that briefly in my students were asked me the same thing
6:49%uh a lot of students prefer this one which they think it's great
6:52okay and you have to set up an account in the catalog and every time you mess
6:56with their site and
6:57here's the deal with works in a lot of my like this can I download my works
7:01I'll give you a secondary that not okay so I said I'll give you a second it's
7:05you could probably pass but no you can't download you expected Weiss is a bad
7:10you can't get good access to the cold as rawest form at what you can and
7:14Dreamweaver course
7:15and its it's bad for optimization there's a lot of things you may need to
7:18do in your code Google Analytics being one of the biggest one seeking track
7:22all the traffic that's on your site where they came from how long they were
7:26it's difficult to make that work properly when you use these
7:29online portal system so I'm gonna jump over another page here this is
7:33a service these guys offer a service SEO laws
7:36its kinda expensive but SEO is is
7:39while it's a lot of work I mean making the website is the easy part
7:42and that's why I after washing my first three tutorial videos here
7:46you guys will be able to make a website like that you could just watch the
7:49compressed want to make a website less than half an hour
7:52its optimizing it tweaking the content spending time
7:55getting everything set up that actually takes more time you can see with this
7:58guy says right here
7:59a lot of people said you most great me know jo-ann LA this is one of those
8:03other online platforms that works
8:05they say can get access to the code on my Twix we can't download it
8:09and I had to log in just to get the civil right there's another
8:11time-consuming little thing you have
8:14this guy says he recently took the test points over 100 pages
8:17and you know it was a it was a nightmare so these guys you're talking about
8:20WordPress and WordPress is another one of the big ones
8:23and if you do stuff I think it's thesis team
8:26it if he set up a site in a certain way and we're press yes
8:29it is easier to optimize but still
8:32SEO mas