Wilderness Divine Hall
Yi Yun walked to the stone table and saw a new set of clothes and a book placed on top of it.
The clothes were made of linen cloth, rough to the touch but different from the linen clothes worn by commoners. This linen clothes was made with silver threads. It was invulnerable and resistant to the elements, it could even be used as a soft armor. If it were ordinary linen clothes, from the intensity of training a Tai Ah Divine City warrior underwent, it would turn into rags in just a few days time.
As for the book, it was the thickness of a fingernail. Its pages were thin and on the cover it was written “Divine wilderness”!
Flipping through the book, Yi Yun noticed that the book had another world within it. Each page was blank with no written text. But upon injecting one’s spiritual energy into it, one could read the vast amount of information within.
Actually, every page was like a book itself. It introduced one aspect of the Divine wilderness.
Yi Yun flipped through the first dozen pages, and within, it introduced:
“Tai Ah Divine City!”
“Divine wilderness region!”
“Ancient desolate beasts!”
“Rumors of mystical realms!”
The “Divine wilderness” book had about ninety pages. Each page was an eye-opener for Yi Yun!
The first page introduced the Tai Ah Divine City. It began with its history and then the warrior training rules within the Tai Ah Divine City.
The Tai Ah Divine City had many cultivation resources. And more than 90% of them could be exchanged for with dragon scale runes.
The last 10% of cultivation resources not only needed dragon scale runes, but they also needed glory points.
For example, breaking a previous record was a great honor. But, that was too difficult.
This book broadened Yi Yun’s horizons. Yi Yun engrossed himself in reading as he flipped through page after page. After the Tai Ah Divine City was introduced in the beginning, the later parts introduced the desolate beasts within the Divine wilderness and the herbs within the Divine wilderness. It was a survival guide to the Divine wilderness.
This knowledge was very important.