1 Subfields and scope
2 History
2.1 Early history
2.2 19th century
2.2.1 Foundational theories
2.3 20th century
2.3.1 Set theory and paradoxes
2.3.2 Symbolic logic
2.3.3 Beginnings of the other branches
3 Formal logical systems
3.1 First-order logic
3.2 Other classical logics
3.3 Nonclassical and modal logic
3.4 Algebraic logic
4 Set theory
5 Model theory
6 Recursion theory
6.1 Algorithmically unsolvable problems
7 Proof theory and constructive mathematics
8 Connections with computer science
9 Foundations of mathematics
10 See also
11 Notes
12 References
12.1 Undergraduate texts
12.2 Graduate texts
12.3 Research papers, monographs, texts, and surveys
12.4 Classical papers, texts, and collections
13 External links