4.5. Ad planta
In our ad planta experiments, B. cereus BC1AW and P. putida
PP3WT significantly reduced bacterial wilt incidence in tomato
genotype KK 2 by 46.8% and 44.7%, respectively, and in genotype
L390 by 33.6% and 30%, respectively, in pot experiments. Similarly,
in split root experiment they reduced wilt incidence by 48.7% and
43.2% in genotype KK2 and by 25.7% and 20.1% in genotype L390,
respectively, compared to the control. Moreover, they also enhanced
the plant biomass. Ramesh et al. (2009) recorded 80% and
70% reduction of the same disease on tomato plants under greenhouse
condition using Pseudomonas and Bacillus strains, respectively.
Also, Lemessa and Zeller (2007) reported that application
of B. subtilis, B2G and fluorescent pseudomonads APF1 significantly
reduced bacterial wilt in tomato by 56% and 60% and increased the
plant biomass