he looks like my tom but there is something different about him she thought
how can i know that he is really my son
and then she remembered something
when tom was surprised he always put his hands in front of his eyes
i will surprise the boy she thought and see what happens
tom is mother touched edward and he suddenly woke up and looked around him
but he did not move his hands
that night she woke him up three times but his hands never moved
mad people can forget things she thought
but can their hands
the cantys only slept for a few hours
later that night a man knocked on their door
what is it john canty shouted angrily
you hit old andrew in the street said a voice outside the door and now he is dying
canty is face went white
we have to leave this house he shouted at his family
get up and run
five minutes later the canty family and edward were running for their lives through the streets of london
we can not go back to that house john canty shouted at them
never again
canty held edward is arm and pulled him along
the streets were dark but when they arrived at the thames there were people and lights everywhere
meet me later on london bridge canty canty told tom is mother and sister before he lost them in the crowd
but he held onto edward is hand
the people and lights are there for my banquet thought edward
but how can there be a banquet without me
then he understood
tom canty was at the banquet tom canty was talking his place
just then a man walked into them and for a second canty dropped edward is hand
at once edward ran through the crowd and escaped
i will go to the guildhall and tell everyone about that beggar edward said to himself
he will die for this