Need some sleep? Maybe you should try curling up in a cactus. This prickly plant can provide sound slumber-at least for a desert centipede. It has worked as a bedroom for this creature for years. The centipede is a lonng bug with one hundred legs. Although pretty scary to look at itself,the bug is afraid of the tarantula, a large dark spider with eight big hairy legs.
Each night before the centipede goes to sleep it builds a special burglary alarm made of cactus It surrounds itself with these sharp plants The smart bug knows that the tarantula will never ceawl over cactus That would be like hugging a porcupine So the centipede sleep safely in its cactus corral It can be sure that no enemy will get in.
Shut out by this prickly prison the hungry tarantula lurks outside the centipede's bedroom for hours First it circles the wall than it peers over and circles again Finally it decides that there is nothing it can do.It leaves the centipede to sleep and goes off for a creature that won't protect itself as well.
The next day the centipede wakes up from a-good night's sleep figuring the tarantula has surely given up by now Still the centipede is cautious It takes a long and very careful look around Only when it's sure that the coast is clear does the centipede begin to remove the wall of. Cactus that protected it in sleep.