Ecological links between aquaculture and wild fish stocks
The use of wild fish to feed farmed fish places direct pressure on fisheries resources. But aquaculture can also diminish wild fisheries indirectly by habitat modification, collection of wild seedstock, foodvweb interactions, introduction of exotic species and pathogens that
harm wild fish populations, and nutrient pollution. The magnitude of such effects varies considerably among aquaculture systems, but it can be great, as the following examples illustrate.
Ecological links between aquaculture and wild fish stocksThe use of wild fish to feed farmed fish places direct pressure on fisheries resources. But aquaculture can also diminish wild fisheries indirectly by habitat modification, collection of wild seedstock, foodvweb interactions, introduction of exotic species and pathogens thatharm wild fish populations, and nutrient pollution. The magnitude of such effects varies considerably among aquaculture systems, but it can be great, as the following examples illustrate.
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