Dear Sammy,
I did a strong healing for your mother in law last night US time.
I traveled together with Sai Baba to Lang Suan, her home town and Sai Baba performed a long healing.
We will travel again there tonight.
Sai Baba asked your mother in law why she is so afraid of dying as this is the normal cycle of life, we come and we go.
She was surprised to hear this question because she felt uncomfortable talking about it.
I remember that 15 years ago I was also super scared to talk about death, not anymore. That doesn't mean I am ready to die but the subject is not taboe for me any longer.
In the boy's school there are several kids who have confirmed cases of H1N1, that's where my concern comes from. Many have been admitted to hospital.
Luckily our Swiss healer is on the case.