all the technical steps in order to produce long- lasting sealants and restorations 7. According to Brescian simplicity of an action does not imply that it should be carried out in a neglectful way. Therefore, attending sufficiently long training sessions is essential to produce successful ART sealants and ART 9.15.28. Anecdotal restorations information has considered partial excavation of infected dentine being part of the ART approach 25 Similarly, indirect pulp capping has been ascribed as an ART 11. It is realistic to expect procedure inexperienced or inadequately trained operators to perform ART restorations less well than trained ones. This has been shown by an operator effect reported in numerous 6,7,9,23 studies A number of aspects of the ART approach have been investigated extensively and outcomes have shown that it can be considered an economical and effective method for preventing and controlling carious lesion development in vulnerable populations It also causes less discomfort and less dental anxiety than the traditional approach using rotary instruments in both adult and pediatric patients 10, 18, 26. However, it is accepted that ART cannot be used in all clinical cases and that other treatment methods, mostly